Sunday, December 29, 2019

Interview Profile Paper - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1436 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/06/24 Category Management Essay Level High school Tags: Profile Essay Did you like this example? To be successful the field of business, you must learn how to handle and manage risks. The textbook states that risk is best understood as a phenomenon that affects multiple levels of social organization(Waldron Kassling, 2018, p. 4). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Interview Profile Paper" essay for you Create order The ability to express an individuals ideas and messages while managing risks will allow you to grow as an employee/employers. I have conducted two interviews with business individuals (Brandon Reeser and Paul Williams) who are positioned highly in sales within their respected business, what I found to was how to understand and use effective communication in businesses that can help negotiations and managing risk within organization. I chose to interview two individuals because one works for a small business with around two hundred employees while the other is employed by a large corporation with around three thousand employees. Taking this information and effectively implement the course material can help optimize my learning experience and develop a better understanding of how it applies in the real world. Safari Books Online is a relatively small company that has close to two hundred employees working for the company. Brandon Reeser is a Senior Accountant Executive at Safari Books Online, this means he is in charge of all outside sell, acquiring new businesses and accounts, and managing small accounts. Essentially he is in charge of moving the entire sales process along smoothly. In an interview dealing with how he became successful in sales Brandon said Sales are used every day in every situation, and I am particularly good at selling myself to people before I ever sell my product. On a daily basis Reeser is communicating with others, whether it is on in person, phone call, email, video chat, as well as texting or instant messaging. The most powerful channels of communication, Reeser states anything that you can add a personal touch, make them believe you care and put in that effort. Examples of these channels are face to face or video chats, having that interaction that makes the message more effective. While the weaker channels are going to be text messages and emails because it lacks the immediate feedback and leaves room for misinterpretation. When communicating with anywhere from thirty to fifty people in a day, its critical to manage time with everyone to make sure everythin g is running as efficiently as possible. After being asked about non-verbal and verbal communication Reeser claimed You will see it every single day, either reading a client to know how to approach them or if they seem distracted, or also verbally making sure everyone is on the same page and understands the next step. Having a clear understanding of the information and ideas is necessary to have effective communication because. Managing to make what you are saying match the things that you are doing is a key way to gain credibility and trust from your audience. Reeser states that The best way to create a lasting impression is your actions not your words. Knowing when and where to talk is important as well as knowing who you are talking to, knowing to use a more direct approach or indirect, usually just depends on the situation. By trying to keep the messages positive, it allowed Reeser to gain the trust and confidence in his team and vice versa. A tip Brandon Reeser offered me was that silence is a powerful tool if you use it the right way meaning the audience now had to think about what has been said and has an opportunity to present any thoughts they may have had. All these techniques and concepts can help climb up the ranks and get a great job where you love what you are doing.The next company we are going to focus on is Takeda Pharmaceuticals, which is a much larger corporation with three thousand emplo yees. In Takeda Pharmaceuticals, Paul Williams is a Strategic Account Manager who is tasked with leading a team of pharmaceutical sales representatives. The job this team has to accomplish is to work with hospitals, medical schools, infusion centers, and top doctors to manage the sale and billing of the products. He is also responsible for the training of others on how to infuse the medicine. Williams said I have always wanted to go into the medical field, but I was always better at working with people and making sells, this is the perfect middle ground. After being with the company for fourteen years, he has held ten different job positions. He said the reason he has done so well in the business was because when you love what you do and believe in it, others see that, recognize that you care, and they will listen to what you have to say. With this jobs comes a lot of communications by email, text messages, phone call, or whatever else you can to deliver the message to the intended audience. When dealing with clients, there are signs non-verbally and verbally that will dictate how the conversation will go. If a customer seems in a rush and distracted, these non-verbals help to adjust and find a different approach that could be more effective. Or if a client is verbally saying one thing but then doing another, then it is not sincere, this allows for an evaluation whether t o keep pushing or to move on. An average work day, Williams could talk to twenty people in one account, then talk to three or four accounts in that day. His approach to the people interact with depends on who and what the subject is about but always try to avoid negative messages. Williams stated when talking to others, you have to make sure it is honest and real, make it seem like their input is valuable, that is the best way to communicate. To bring value to the team it is good to create a lasting impression that makes people know why you are here and this can be accomplished by always look and act profession and being resourceful and knowledgeable (Paul Williams). It is always significant to give the audience reasons why they should listen to you or believe the things that are stated. The last thing Williams had to say was it is easier to communicate verbally and non-verbally with other the more passion you have for what you do. The key to success was not in the communication itself, but how to deliver the communication is what is matters the most in business. The reason I interviewed two men who are high up in sales is because that is a field that I would be interested in exploring and getting into. Jobs in marketing, sales, and service require creativity and good people skills. These people perform specific duties such as managing client relationships, and had the ability to be team players (Careers in Marketing, Sales, and Service). These are qualities that I believe I have and can train becoming successful in this area. There is always a need for Sales as long as business is around and there are also so many options to go into. One job I researched to find more information about was a Sales Representative. The job description is a Sales Representatives of technical and scientific products are responsible for generating and increasing sales of products for manufacturers and wholesale distributors (Echaore-McDavid). Someone is this position can make anywhere from $33,000 to $122,000 a year, with the education level to enter is a Bachelor s Degree or higher. This is interesting to me because it is a risk and it is all on you to make your sells and get more money or be not be good at the job and not make any money.In conclusion, whether you are employed for a big corporation, or a smaller business it does not change the need to communicate. Using the right tools and practicing effective communication is necessary to move up and be successful. I have already seen two examples of people who could get amazing jobs because they understood how to communicate and interact with others in a workplace. Utilizing research and listening to the experiences from others is a great way to better understand how to communicate and how to be successful. In business, the pen is truly mightier than the sword. Works Cited Careers in Marketing, Sales, and Service. Fergusons Career Guidance Center. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 2 October 2018. Echaore-McDavid, Susan. Sales Representative. Fergusons Career Guidance Center. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 1 October 2018. Reeser, B. (2018, September 28). Personal Interview. Waldron, V. R., Kassing, J. W. (2018). Negotiating workplace relationships. San Diego, CA: Cognella Academic Publishing. Williams, P. (2018, October 1). Telephone Interview.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Sun Also Rises Jake Barnes Ernest Hemingway - a...

Hemingways The Sun Also Rises Jake Barnes Ernest Hemingway – A Comparison â€Å"Hey, Kitty, said Ernest, Im taking your advice. Im writing a novel full of plot and drama. He gestured ahead towards Harold and Bill. Im tearing those bastards apart, he said. Im putting everyone in it and that kike Loeb is the villain.â€Å" - Hemingway (Baker p.234) Table of contents: 1. Setting, Characters Background 2. Impotence War Wound 3. Women 4. San Fermà ­n 5. Interests Characteristics Bibliography The Sun Also Rises was Hemingways first novel, published in 1926, written several years after he served in World War I. It deals with the postwar life of expatriates and veterans living in Paris (Europe), who are also called the Lost†¦show more content†¦Both Jake and Hemingway are American veteran expatriates living in Paris in the twenties, working as journalists. However, Jake is not married, nor does he live with a woman in Paris. The characters of the novel also match the people Hemingway knew during that time. In Paris they both each got to know a Jewish American who became their tennis partner, used to be a boxer at Princeton College and had a girlfriend. Both Jake and Hemingway were madly in love with a woman they couldnt have, but there are different reasons to why it didnt work out between them. In the novel it wasnt Cohn though who introduced Brett to Jake. Jake already knew her from war times and it was him who introduced her to Cohn. In the following I want to further compare Jake Barnes and Ernest Hemingway by discussing different topics that I picked out. 2. Impotence War Wound In the novel it is never explicitly said that Jake Barnes is really impotent because of his war injury. But it can be read between the lines. We first get to introduced to this topic when Jake picks up the prostitute Georgette and doesnt want to be touched by her. „She cuddled against me and I put my arm around her. She looked up to be kissed. She touched me with one hand and I put her hand away. Never mind. Whats the matter? You sick? Yes.â€Å" (Sun Also Rises p.13) Jake takes Georgette out for drinks and to a club to meet his friends. But heShow MoreRelatedTransformation In Ernest Hemingways The Sun Also Rises1298 Words   |  6 PagesErnest Hemingway’s novel, The Sun Also Rises, is a story that may seem underwhelming to the average audience, for to them the characters seem linear and are full of cliches, the story builds up to an anticlimactic ending, and it makes the reader contemplate the whole point of the adventure. But to the person with a palette for literature, The Sun Also Rises is everything but a bore; it is a ride of emotion, symbolism, progression, and character development, adding to that an ending that leaves theRead More Parallels Between The Sun Also Rises by Hemingway and The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald 1064 Words   |  5 PagesParallels Between The Sun Also Rises by Hemingway and The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   During the decade of the 1920s, America was going through many changes, evolving from the Victorian Period to the Jazz Age. Changing with the times, the young adults of the 1920s were considered the Lost Generation. The Great War was over in 1918. Men who returned from the war had the scars of war imprinted in their minds. The eighteenth amendment was ratified in 1919 which prohibitedRead MoreAnalysis Of `` As A Young Man `` Essay1407 Words   |  6 Pagesgrandfather’s work, Sean Hemingway writes, â€Å"as a young man, I was impressed by the repeated emphasis in [The Sun Also Rises] on the need to pay the bill—to take care of one’s own affairs—and Jake Barnes’ ability to make his way in the world† (xii). It is this emphasis on paying the bill, on money, that acts as Hemingway’s harshest criticism of the lifestyles of American expatriates in Europe at the time. The extravagance and the excess always comes at a pric e. This was a lifestyle that Hemingway himself was familiarRead MoreCharacter Analysis Of Ernest HemingwaysThe Sun Also Rises?1510 Words   |  7 Pages In his first novel, The Sun Also Rises, Ernest Hemingway displays the destructive lives of expatriate characters living in Paris during the 1920s through the eyes of narrator Jake Barnes. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

HIV in Singapore Free Essays

To extend the impact of our effort to curb the spread of HIV, we propose to continue and improve on our outreach effort targeted at the Chinese speaking Geylang crowd, and to initiate a campaign targeted at youths. The main objective of both efforts would be to encourage condom use and promote HIV testing as means to prevent the spread of HIV. On top of having both campaigns, we would like to propose making HIV testing more convenient by assisting with the implementation of a Mobile HIV Testing Van (MTV) service. We will write a custom essay sample on HIV in Singapore or any similar topic only for you Order Now Continuing and Improving Current Efforts to Reach Out to the Chinese Speaking Geylang Crowd 1. Printing more Pamphlets Having conducted an outreach event at Geylang, we found that the majority of our target audience read the educational pamphlet, and did so with a certain measure of contemplation – an indication of their rational riders being influenced by facts such as the ability to prolong one’s life if early treatment for HIV is sought, the benefits of condom usage and where the HIV test can be taken. Due to the limited number of pamphlets printed thus far, we foresee that more will be needed for future outreach events. Thus, we propose to have part of the budget allocated for this purpose. 2. Printing of Taglines Encouraging Condom Usage on Condom Covers. Redesigning the box used to contain condoms for distribution. Our group conceived a series of short, catchy taglines to encourage condom use. Condom covers with these taglines could be produced and distributed during outreach events. The taglines conceived were meant to direct our audience’s emotional elephants by evoking positive feelings about condom use – by asserting that love making can be equally pleasurable even when condoms are worn. To further engage our audience’s emotional elephants, we propose that an effort be made to conceive suitably ‘hard’ messages evoking anxiety and fear by highlighting the risks of doing away with condoms. Some of these ‘hard’ taglines could put across the message an underestimation of the one’s chances of contracting HIV is a contributing factor leading to HIV infection. By focusing attention on this ‘black swan’ in HIV being closer to home than it is often thought to be, our target audience may be encouraged to use condoms. These ‘hard’ messages could then be similarly printed on condom covers and distributed during outreach events together with those having ‘soft’ taglines, thus producing a carrot and stick effect that could further improve our effort to encourage condom usage. Also, the boxes used to store condoms could be changed to make it less obvious that it contains condoms, as it currently is. The purpose of doing so would be to encourage the taking up of these condoms, as regardless of whether those approached are seeking paid sex or not, they may nonetheless avoid accepting the condoms altogether because they do not wish to be seen in public as having done so, as evidenced when approaching some members of the public. To overcome such reluctance, the condoms (with the taglines printed on their covers) could be packed into larger rectangular top opening boxes such as those containing sweets (like how the sweet Ricola is packaged), with plain messages such ‘specially for you’ as that would serve to mask the true contents of the package. 3. Associating Condom Use and Regular HIV Testing with Responsible Behaviour In addition to distributing condoms and educational pamphlets, we propose to utilise the behaviour changing effects of social identity promotion to encourage condom usage and regular HIV testing. Posters juxtaposing images of Chinese males, representing all adult age groups, with condom use messages and them going for regular HIV testing could be printed and put up at places where our target audience often congregate – lanes leading to coffee shops and eateries along Geylang. These posters would portray these males as being socially responsible. As most would not wish to be labelled as irresponsible, the effects of projecting such an image could serve to encourage condom use and regular HIV testing. This effort to create such a social identity could be made more effective if a greater number of older volunteers (over 40s) are involved in such outreach events. These older volunteers could serve as leading lights of their age group and potentially relate better with our target audience, since both could see each other as peers. As there is a lack of volunteers belonging to this age group, we propose that an effort be made to seek such volunteers. One way we could do so would be to seek volunteers from grassroots organisations such as community clubs and public housing residents committees (RCs), since these bodies consist of people with an existing spirit of volunteerism and mainly belong to this age group. Extending our Impact to another Target Group – Youths/Young Adults Why Youths/Young Adults? It can be reasonably inferred from statistical data that youths (below 20) and young adults (20-30) are either becoming more sexually active or engaging in riskier sexual behaviour. The number of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) amongst youths rocketed by 118% between 2000 and 2008, while that of young adults increased by 67% during the same period1. Given these societal trends, this group seems increasing vulnerable to contracting HIV. Thus, we propose to mount a HIV prevention effort targeted at this group through similar means such as the promotion of condom use, regular HIV testing and creating a social identity to promote responsible sexual behaviour. 1. Going to Where Youths/Young Adults Are Instead of focusing on the Geylang red-light district, we propose establishing a presence at places where there’s a higher concentration of youths/young adults who are more likely to be sexually active and or engage in regrettable sexual behaviour. Some of these places would include entertainment nightspots such as clubs and pubs where the flow of alcohol and its adverse intoxicating effects are more keenly felt. 2. Distributing Educational Pamphlets and Condoms The content of the educational pamphlets targeted at the Chinese speaking Geylang crowd could be translated into English to cater to the younger set. The pamphlets could also include information, that would otherwise be absent in the Chinese-language version targeting the older crowd, directing our audience to social media sites (such as Facebook) where Action for Aids has a presence. We also propose modifying the taglines to be printed on condom covers, to appeal to the younger crowd. These taglines could include cheeky English language ones that the young can relate to. As with the Chinese speaking Geylang crowd, we propose to craft a social identity for the young who are sexually active, that would positively associate them with condom use and having regular HIV tests, by promoting their ‘clear’ HIV status as an asset. Assisting Action for Aids with the Implementation of a Mobile HIV Testing Van (MTV) Service Action for Aids (AFA) has plans to introduce a MTV service, to make HIV testing more convenient. Otherwise, AFA only has one test site at Kelantan Lane that may be out of the way. As the operational costs of such a van are high, and that the service will have to be chargeable, we propose committing part of our $1000 budget to subsidising these tests (the ones at AFA’s Anonymous Test Site cost $30) during the initial phase of the van’s operation, so as to allow the public to first acquaint themselves with the quality and safety of the service provided. How to cite HIV in Singapore, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Evolution of Speech in Hominids free essay sample

The paper examines two major theories regarding evolution and subsequent areas of research regarding human speech acquisition. Throughout the history of mankind there have been questions as to the causes and the events that led to the evolution of speech in humans. Unfortunately, researchers have not been able to pinpoint a specific time frame or place where speech first occurred. This is because sound is not a resource that leaves physical record or evidence of existence. The earliest evidence of written language provides an indication that some form of spoken communication was in use. However, early written records cannot be cited as proof that speech existed. And these documents cannot indicate how long speech may have existed prior to the written language itself. The purpose of this paper is to examine some of the predominate theories regarding speech evolution in humans and new physiological findings that point to when humans would have first attained the ability for speech. We will write a custom essay sample on The Evolution of Speech in Hominids or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page